Caelen Murphy Feller

Software & Architecture Development Engineer
@ ParTec AG

Past Projects

My GitHub is the best place to find my openly available work, but you can find further information on my more discursive projects here.

About me

Caelen joined ParTec AG in November 2023 as a Software and Architecture Development Engineer. She works primarily in DevOps, with particular experience in Ansible, Gitlab CI/CD and container/VM orchestration. She is also developing tools for integration of the ParaStation Software suite with production systems such as the Exascale cluster JUPITER.

Prior to joining ParTec, she worked with ICHEC Dublin in 2023. At ICHEC, she was involved in developing software for hierarchical storage management (HSM). She participated in completing the IO-SEA WP4 Deliverable 4.3, working on the HSM API Hestia, and DevOps for these projects. Prior to this, she has worked on research projects in HPC, mathematical modelling (of EEG signals and PDEs), quantum computing, machine learning, and numerical computation of complex functions. She completed her undergraduate degree with Trinity College Dublin in 2020.

Caelen is an avid reader of fiction, particularly science fiction. Some favourites are "Annihilation" by Jeff VanderMeer, "Children of Time" by Adrian Tchaikovsky and "Ra", by qntm. She also enjoys board games and long walks. She can juggle 3 objects quite well, and 4 quite poorly. In addition to English, she can speak the constructed language Toki Pona, French, and Irish — má mhaith leat caint as Gaeilge leí.